Mission Endowment Fund

What is Mission Endowment Fund (MEF)?

We receive gifts and bequests to support and enhance LCR’s many ministries.  Income from the permanent endowment is used for ministries and stewardship above and beyond those supported by the congregation.

How are Funds Used?

Previously, annual scholarships were awarded to our students attending Lutheran colleges and universities.  Also, support was given for youth trips to Japan, ELCA youth gatherings, Luther Glen Educational Farm, LCR staff leadership education and conferences.

Gifts Accepted:

Stocks & Bonds
Other Securities
Personal Property of Value
Real Estate
Trusts & Bequests
Life Insurance & IRA Beneficiaries

Donors may enjoy tax advantages depending on the amount and nature of the gift.  Consult your tax advisor or personal accountant.

How Can You Help?

Please consider weekly, monthly or annual gifts to MEF.  Contact Paul Coulter, Chairperson, Mission Endowment Fund at pjchb@aol.com or 714.469.1262.