Sunday AM Readers
Sign up to read scriptures on Sunday mornings at the 8:30 or 10:30 service.

Greet visitors on Sunday mornings at either the 8:30 or 10:30 service; flexible schedule.

Edison SAC Outreach
Interact with high school students from Edison High School's Special Abilities Cluster during their dances at Resurrection the first Friday of each month from 6-8 p.m.

Altar Guild
Weekly set up the church for communion, replace paraments when necessary and straighten out pews. Work with a committee of 2-3 others. Volunteer three months per year, one month at a time.
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Christianity is simple: We love God by loving our neighbors (even if they're our enemies).
The people of LCR want their work to be generous, impactful, local, healing . Whether it's serving one another in the church community or reaching out to bring healing and hope to our city (and beyond!),
we truly believe you need to show up with your light shining.
The people of LCR want their work to be generous, impactful, local, healing . Whether it's serving one another in the church community or reaching out to bring healing and hope to our city (and beyond!),
we truly believe you need to show up with your light shining.

Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
What gifts are uniquely yours to offer God and your community?
What might happen if you share them?
What might happen if you share them?
Questions about volunteering?
We love to find ways to connect your gifts to Huntington Beach's needs.
Please reach out if you still have questions.
Please reach out if you still have questions.